Saturday 17 September 2011

Yes I know, I'm a Nerd

I have a confession to make...
I am a girl addicted to the phenomenon known as Minecraft, and have been since about November last year. I regularly check up on the blog of our grand leader and creator of Minecraft, Notch. I am also an avid watcher of the Yogscast and, to credit my own sadness, have named four wolves in the world of Minecraft, Simon, Lewis, Hannah and Oli. I have been working heavily now on a city in Minecraft called Haeret, which is in no way a terrible anagram of Aether and it's twin city, Nehret is in no way a terrible anagram of Nether. This city is near completion and to celebrate I... have started working on something else. The prospect of finishing my main project just seems to put me off, strangely, so I begin other projects. This is how it always works with me, who knows if I'll even have this blog in months, weeks or even days to come. Never mind eh?
To contribute to my "Nerdiness", I play Magic the Gathering, a wondrous card game, in fact, I do believe it was the first ever card game of its type. To which I am looking forward to the new Innistrad set coming out sometime soon. I also enjoy table top roleplays, a joy to all of the Basement group and other nerdy people I know and love. Favourites being Dungeons and Dragons, Mutants and Masterminds, Paranoia, Call of Cthulu and Vampires Requiem. Sorry to bore you will all my nerdy habits but I felt like sharing.
See you soon!


So here goes...
I've always wanted to start an internet blog but never really bothered, too many "Ugh I can't be boffered! I'll do it lataaaa!" moments, in fact, I just this second had to add the word blog to my laptops dictionary. I suppose  should start off by telling you a little about the self that is me. I am, at the moment, a nineteen year old girl in England, I just completed my A levels, with a nicely rounded C in Art thank you very muchly, and I am two days away from starting my new course, a Degree in Illustration. This course, I may point out, is exactly up my alley way and I have been literally jumping with joy about the unconditional I got a few months ago right up until this moment.
This moment... I am terrified, after all, I only got a C in my A level art, and I have seen the other students work and mine pails in comparison. What I mean to say is, I'm nervous. And I know it's a crappy and boring subject to start off with in a blog, but to me a blog is a place to vent feelings that have been mouldering away inside like a rolling stone cut off from it's journey by a particularly soggy bit of mud. But I'm sure it's just pre-course jitters and I should be fine and dandy by Monday.
Now I finally have it, I'll try updating as often as possible, even if no one reads, 'cos this is brilliant writing practice!